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The Faith of the Seven

Illustration: the Seven Gods of the Faith of the Seven

Illustration: The seven pointed star representing the seven gods.

The Faith of the Seven, also known as 'The Seven', or more commonly known as the 'New Gods' is the main religion of the seven kingdoms and is the dominant religion in the southern part of Westeros. Originally, seven kingdoms were actually divided into seven parts, they were:


1.The Kingdom of The North (Ruled by House Stark)

2. The Kingdom of the Mountain and The Vale (Ruled by House Arryn)

3. The Kingdom of the Isles and the Rivers (Ruled by House Hoare)

4. The Kingdom of The Rock (Ruled by House Lannister)

5. The Kingdom of the Reach (Ruled by House Gardener)

6. The Kingdom of the Stormlands (Ruled by House Durrandon)

7. The Princedom of Dorne (Ruled by House Martell)


Following the defeat of King Aegon Targaryen, who ruled the seven kingdoms, the kingdoms were further divided into nine kingdoms, they are:


1. The North (House Stark) 

2. The Vale of Arryn (House Arryn)

3. The Riverlands (Without ruler)

4. The Iron Islands (House Greyjoy)

5. The Westerlands (House Lannister)

6. The Crownlands (Queen of the Andals and the First Men)

7. The Stormlands (Without ruler)

8. The Reach (Without ruler)

9. Dorne (Without ruler)


The only places where this religion is not the dominant religion within the Seven Kingdoms is the North and the Iron Islands where each of those places still follow their own respective religions. 

Illustration: map of the original seven kingdoms.

Illustration: map of the current kingdoms.

This religion says that there is one god who has seven different aspects or faces: the Father, the Mother, the Maiden, the Crone, the Warrior, the Smith, and the Stranger, each of which represents a different aspect of life. 


  • The Father: represents divine justice, and judges the souls of the dead.

  • The Mother: represents mercy, peace, fertility, and childbirth. She is sometimes referred to as "the strength of women".

  • The Maiden: represents purity, innocence, love, and beauty.

  • The Crone: represents wisdom and foresight. She is represented carrying a lantern.

  • The Warrior: represents strength and courage in battle.

  • The Smith: represents creation and craftsmanship.

  • The Stranger: The Stranger represents death and the unknown. It is rarely prayed to.


The Seven Pointed Star is the most prominent symbol of the Faith, representing how each of the seven aspects is one facet of a unified whole which is used as an allegory to explain the complex theological concept of a single God composed of Seven persons. The Faith also holds to the belief that, just as there are seven aspects of their deity, it also preaches the existence of seven heavens and, likewise, seven hellsThe Faith also holds to the belief that, just as there are seven aspects of their deity, it also preaches the existence of seven heavens and, likewise, seven hells.


The Faith of the Seven is based on a number of holy texts-with the Seven Pointed Star being the main text-and a number of basic and complex social rules. Some of these rules include rules against incest, kinslaying (murdering family member), bastardy, and homosexuality. It also upholds the laws of hospitality, which hold the good behaviour of a guest and host towards each other. Temples of the Faith are seven-sided buildings which are known as "Septs", with each wall dedicated to one of the seven aspects. Here, followers gather to pray and sing hymns of praise to the Seven. Septs are also the location of where wedding ceremonies are performed; these ceremonies can be very elaborate and highly ritualized and are presided over by a Septon (clergyman). 


This religion was inspired by the Catholic Church in multiple aspects. The Seven aspects of the Faith = three aspects of Catholicism: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. In Catholicism, the highest ranking clergy is the Pope who lives in the Apostolic Palace of the Vatican and a council of Cardinals. Similarly, the Faith of the Seven's high highest ranking clergy is High Septon who lives in the Sept of Baelor who rules the Faith together with a council of the highest ranking septons, the Most Devout. Both have a holy text, Holy Bible (Catholicism) and the Seven-Pointed Star (The Seven) which both are divided into gospel-like sections; both frown upon gambling, homosexuality, preach against bastardy, incest, kinslaying, imposing guilt and judgement from the Father.

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